Seeking Board Members
The Coastal Concerts Volunteer Board of Directors is a working Board; formed of no less than 7 directors and no more than 12. Board members are required to fill chair positions on the board itself and chair positions within its committees. At no time should a director of the board chair more than 2 positions within the organization. Additionally, at no time should a director be required to chair/be included in more than 4 committees. A commitment to, and a clear understanding of the mission of the organization is critical to the success of a board member. All Board Members will strictly adhere to the Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest/Loyalty policies of the organization.
Elected Officers of the Board form the Executive Committee, and consist of the following:
Vice President
Chief Financial Officer
Immediate Past President – As requested by the current President
Specific expectations and responsibilities of all board members are outlined below:
The organization is responsible for providing the board member access to the by-laws at will. Upon accepting the by- laws, all board members agree to abide by and enforce them to the best of their ability.
Financial Accountability
As a board member of Coastal Concerts, you must accept financial responsibility for the organization. All board members will need to take the initiative to help raise funds for the organization through means dictated by the organization as a whole.
Commitment of Support
Because board service implies a commitment of the board member’s skills, time, talent and treasure, it is expected that all members will support Coastal Concerts’ fiscal sustainability by making an annual financial contribution. Accordingly,
Recognizing that major funding sources take the board’s financial contribution into account when assessing our organization as a potential beneficiary, the members of the board commit to achieving 100 compliance with this policy every year.
Annual contributions will be accepted at the beginning of each CoCo’s fiscal year, although additional contributions are welcome at any time.
Contributions may be scheduled in a series of smaller gifts or payments.
There is no minimum amount for an annual contribution.
All board directors are to publicly and privately support the decisions of the board. Public and/or private show of non-support outside of regularly scheduled meetings could result in being asked to step down from your position.
All board members are expected to participate in the following:
Organize and/or participate in fund-raising events
Actively engage in the solicitation of donations
Identify friends & associates willing to support the organization
Assist with the sales of ads in our annual program book and ticket subscriptions
Assist in the distribution of promotional materials
Participate in Succession Planning for the organization
The Executive Committee will have the final say in determining if any instance of non-support is subject to being asked to step down as a board member.
As director, ,you are encouraged to chair a committee and/or form a new committee as appropriate. Upon forming a new committee, the approval of both the president of the board and the Executive Director will be required. The solicitation of community involvement in all committees is highly encouraged. The President and/or the Executive Director have the authority to form new committees and to appoint board member as they wish.
Board Meetings & Events
Board members are required to attend and participate in all board meetings If a member cannot attend a meeting for personal reasons, they are required to let the President/ED know as soon as possible. Attendance is monitored and excessive absences (more than 3 meetings a year) may result in dismissal from the Board.
Conflict of Interest
During the course of any meeting, board members are responsible for disclosing any conflict in any relationship, transaction or decision where he/she may receive significant benefit or gain.
The president has the authority to choose to have the board member step away from the conversation and/or permit the individual to vote on the subject.
At all times, it is the responsibility of the board member to attempt to avoid conflicts of interest.
All Board Members are required to sign on an annual basis, a Conflict of Interest Statement and disclose any perceived conflicts in which they may be involved.
It will be the decision of the President of the Board and the Executive Director to determine if the conflict of interest warrants dismissal from the Board.
Coastal Concerts Support
As a director, the Board supports you, in your board duties, where and when possible and within the organization’s means. Upon asking for assistance in your director’s duties, the board will work on helping anyone succeed in relation to the mission of the organization and/or committee.
By becoming a board member, it is understood that no quotas are being set, and no rigid standards of measurement and achievement are being established. Every Board member makes a statement of faith to be a partner with every other Board member to strive for the success of our great cause. We trust each other to carry out the above agreements to the best of our ability.
Email Executive Director Carol Dennis to express your interest in serving on our Board:
Day-of Concert, Marketing, Support Volunteers Needed
The success and growth of Coastal Concerts is dependent on our volunteers. You can help to make a difference in the music community by joining our team of Volunteers who work so diligently throughout the year to ensure a flawless presentation for each of our events.
Our volunteers assist in many aspects of our organization, such as event management, finances, fundraising, marketing, outreach and more.
Please call 888-212-6458 or email (copy and paste this email into your email service) if you are interested in joining the Coastal Concerts’ Volunteer Team. You are also welcome to share your information by clicking the button below!